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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Social Bookmarking Demon 3 - List of Scuttle Site For You (more than 40k Scuttle)

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Enjoy this list of Scuttle Site with the use of powerful Bookmarking Demon. Get a thousand backlink for free. The first thing that the owner of a scuttle bookmarking site wants is content. The owner requires as plenty of content as possible to start getting free traffic. This is where they come in to the picture. They can register accounts at these scuttle sites & bookmark our sites. They are giving the owner of the scuttle site free content with a backlink in return. What are scuttle sites & how you can use them to get free backlinks to your sites. Scuttle sites are sites that are using the open source social bookmarking script called - Scuttle. Scuttle script can be downloaded easily & permit the user to setup his own bookmarking site. If you are interested in setting up one, you can download it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/scuttle/. "Store, share & tag your favourite links" With bookmarkingdemon, you will have a list of 100+ bookmarking sites inclusive of scuttle sites. It also allows you to add your own scuttle sites. If you need to build your own list of scuttle sites, you find it in the search engines by using the search term With bookmarkingdemon, not only can you add scuttle sites, you can also add scuttle and sites & pligg sites. This will give you the ability to gain more backlinks from more social bookmarking sites around the net. You can find hundreds of them. Bookmarkingdemon will be able to use most of them. There's some scuttle sites that are modified with captcha & other security protection. These modified scuttle sites won't work with Bookmarkingdemon. Most of the time, the owner won't alter their scuttle scripts.
Check out this website I found at this link

Posted via web from backhat's posterous

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